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Intimina Lily Cup One 20ml (For Beginners)

Intimina Lily Cup One 20ml (For Beginners)
Intimina Lily Cup One 20ml (For Beginners)
Intimina Lily Cup One 20ml (For Beginners)
-90 % Out Of Stock
Intimina Lily Cup One 20ml (For Beginners)
Intimina Lily Cup One 20ml (For Beginners)
Intimina Lily Cup One 20ml (For Beginners)
Tags: Intimina , Lily Cup
Intimina Lily Cup One 20ml (For Beginners)
  • Stock: Out Of Stock
  • Brand: Intimina
  • Model: 005600
  • SKU: 7350075026065
  • Lily Cup One

    Lily Cup One


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NEW sanitary item for the WOMEN!

Menstrual Cup helps you feel clean and fresh during your menstrual period. Compare to the traditional sanitary products, the longer it is used the less it cost and the more environmentally friendly it becomes!

  • With removal loop, easy to remove
  • Manufactured with 100% medical-grade silicone
  • Continuous use up to 12 hours
  • With proper care it is reusable for up to 10 years
  • Comes with storage case, easy to store and carry

Lily Cup One is here to make things easier for first-time menstrual cup users. It’s convenient and unnoticeable thanks to a discrete case with an extra-firm rim that makes opening and sealing easy-breezy. There is also a removal loop to make sure you won’t panic once you need to remove it. We thought about everything. 

More menstrual cup by Intimina:

  • Ziggy Cup (Flow 20ml, for low blood flow and beginner)

Q & A

Q: How to insert your menstrual cup?
A: Before use, wash hands thoroughly with mild soap and warm water. Sit on the toilet with your knees apart, squat or stand with one leg raised on the toilet or bathtub edge. Close the lid and fold the cup, firmly hold the folded cup using the index finger and thumb, spread the labia using the other hand, slowly insert the cup. Once the removal ring is fully inserted into the vaginal canal, you can stop. If you found it hard to insert, you can use pjur WOMAN Nude Water-based Lubricant or other water based lubricant for better insertion.

Q: How to fold the menstrual cup?
A: Here are two types of folding methods that are easy for beginners to handle.
C-fold: The cup is folded in half to form a rim C.
Punch down fold: Fold the rim inwards and fold both sides around it. Compared to the C-fold, the tip is thinner and the cup is easier to open in the vagina.

Q: How do I know if the cup is placed correctly?
A: Move your finger in a circular motion to make sure the cup is nicely fitted alongside the vaginal wall. Gently twist the cup from side to side. If you feel there is suction then it means that the cup is inserted in correctly.

Q: How to remove your menstrual cup?
A: Slightly press on the cup’s lower receptacle area or side to release the suction. Insert finger into the vaginal canal, hook the finger onto the removal ring, gently shake the cup from side to side, and pull down. Open lid into flower shaped cup, empty content.

Things to avoid:

  • Do NOT use this product during sexual intercourse.
  • This product is not intended for birth control, nor does it prevent Sexual Transmitted Disease (STD).
  • Do NOT use this product if you suffered from Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS).

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